Managing change in your business

Successfully implement change in your business

Research by Kotter International found that more than 70% of change projects within a business fail. Why is this?

The research findings show that employee engagement is the biggest factor. Whether it is a small change to one or two processes, or a company-wide change, it's common for staff to feel intimidated by it.

So what can you do for successful implementation of change? Here are the principals from Kotter’s 8-Step Programme:

1. Get the team onboard

Build support and create momentum behind the changes you are making by communicating the benefits with the whole company early on.

Kotter suggests that 75 percent of a company's management needs to support a change in order to succeed.

2. Form a powerful coalition from all areas of the business

Share the support you have from all areas in the business (not just the leadership team). Visible support from key people within the organisation will bring others on board and create a sense of urgency. Give these people key roles in the change process to help progress it.

Once formed, your "change coalition" needs to work as a team, continuing to build urgency and momentum around the need for change.

What you can do:

3. Create a vision for change

Create an overall vision that helps everyone understand why you're asking them to do something.

What you can do:

4. Communicate the vision

Embed this in everything you do so it is not lost in the day-to-day operation but a powerful part of this.

What you can do:

5. Remove obstacles

Check constantly for processes and structures that need to adjust to allow you to execute the vision and help the change move forward.

What you can do:

6. Create short-term wins

Create short-term targets – not just one long-term goal. Each "win" that you produce can further motivate all the staff especially if it’s a big change requiring a longer process and help keep them on task.

What you can do:

7. Build on the change

Keep looking for improvements to the system to ensure the long term goals are achieved.

What you can do:

8. Anchor the changes in your culture

Finally, to make any change stick, it should become part of the core of your organisation. Make continuous efforts to ensure that the change is seen in every aspect, giving it a solid place in your organisation. It's also important that your company's leaders continue to support the change. This includes existing staff and new leaders who are brought in.

What you can do:

If you find you need some help to make these changes to your business - call us on 03 474 0475.

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